Does the InkCase crack easily?
Users of the InkCase should understand that the InkCase is not just another iPhone case. It is a consumer electronic device on its own, supporting the lifestyles of productive individuals who wish to get the latest news, read Reminders off their To-Do-Lists, look at their upcoming events they have for the day, or even reading a book they love. In order for all these to happen, there are battery, motherboards and chips in the case to power this. If the InkCase was handled properly and with care like one does with any consumer electronic devices, then we would say that the screen does not crack so easily.
My InkCase is not charging
Our specially designed proprietary magnetic charging cable allows for quick charging and enables us to design the InkCase to be what it is today - slim and robust at the same time. When plugged in, make sure the charging cable is in contact with the InkCase port. Some light force can be applied by pushing the connector towards the InkCase. Do make sure that you see the "InkCase" word facing up when connected to the charger.
My InkCase screen is cracked
E-Ink screens are extremely fragile. It is extremely important to follow the instructions attached to the InkCase as mishandling can cause the screen to crack. Make sure to remove your iPhone by gently pushing it out from the camera opening. DO NOT remove your iPhone from the edges of the InkCase. Doing so will result in bending and cracking the E Ink screen, voiding the warranty for it. When placing your phone on any surface, do put it with care.
I am unable to pair the iPhone with InkCase
iPhone wireless connectivity or BT needs to be turned on. Open the InkCase app > My InkCase > Device lists > Click on your device.
Note: Do not search for the InkCase via iPhone's Settings app. By doing so, the InkCase app will not be able to find your InkCase when you pair them up. If you have accidentally paired the InkCase via the Settings app on your iPhone, you will need to unpair the InkCase, and pair it up again via the InkCase app.
*If you have chosen the wrong InkCase at the beginning, go to the InkCase app > My InkCase > *scroll down* About and Help > Logout. After which, you will be brought to the InkCase selection page where you are able to select the right InkCase.
My InkCase shuts down automatically
After your InkCase is idle for 30 minutes, it will automatically shut down to conserve power. However, the E Ink screen will continue to display the last screen without powering up. *Idle time and power off time can be set by you within the InkCase App.
My InkCase is not responding.
In case your InkCase has been shut down, press and hold the Power button for 5 secs to power it on. Let the screen load as per usual and it will soon be back to life. If nothing happens, hold the power button for more than 10 seconds to hard reset the entire InkCase. At the same time, ensure that there is sufficient battery on the InkCase. Charge the InkCase up using the USB cable provided for at least an hour before trying to power it up with the charging cable still attached.
*Applicable to InkCase Ivy, InkCase i7, and i7 Plus.
How long does the battery last?
The battery life of an InkCase will vary depending on the type of functions you set it at (i.e; Photos, widgets, etc). If you set the InkCase to show Widgets, battery life will naturally be shorter as they are running in the background, synchronizing the weather, time and number of steps you took, etc. However, if you customise a photo to be set as your Power Off and/ or Screen Saver image, battery life will definitely be longer. Of course, by turning off Auto Power Off and Auto Screen Saver mode will deplete your battery life a lot faster.
How do I load photos into my InkCase?
In the InkCase app, go to the Photo page. You should already see a few images that were placed by us. If you wish to put your own picture, select the photo from the Photo Album at the bottom half of the screen. It will bring you to a photo editing page where you crop the image you want. Edit the image as you wish. Save the picture and you will see it appear in black and white in the top half of the page. To upload it to your InkCase, long press the black and white image, select “Send to InkCase”. You can also set it as your Power off and/ or Screen Saver image if you have it enabled at the My InkCase page.
How do I take a selfie using the InkCase?
At the Photos page of your InkCase app, tap on the Camera icon at the top right-hand corner. Tap on “Select” to engage the camera function. Allow all permissions that come your way. After which, you should see the usual camera with a mini thumbnail on the top right corner of the selfie camera. You may flip over the phone and take a selfie by pressing the Volume Down button. Do note that there will be a 1 to 2 seconds of lag time before you see any changes reflected on the e-ink portion of the screen.
How do I select widgets to be placed?
At the Widgets page of the InkCase App, there are a few templates that are provided. To select the widgets that you want, simply tap on the widget. You should see a green circle at the bottom right. Do note that the maximum number of templates you can choose is three. If you select only 1 widget template, the InkCase will still show three widgets page.
Why are my Reminder lists not showing on the InkCase?
On your Reminder app, the most important tasks will be displayed on the InkCase. You must set a priority by clicking on the tasks you would like to be shown on the InkCase. Select either "!", "!!" or "!!!". Tagging your tasks' priority as "None" will not make it show up on the Widget.
I'm not receiving notifications on my iPhone! (For InkCase Ivy)
If you switched on "Receive all Notifications" for your Ivy, all notifications will go over to the Ivy and will not appear on the iPhone. If you only want certain notifications to appear on the Ivy, go to Notification Filter > Turn off "Receive all Notifications" > Tap on the " + " sign on the top right > add the name of the app that you want their notifications to appear on the Ivy. For eg: Email, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Those not in the keyword list will still receive notifications on the iPhone as usual.
Why is my InkCase not responsive?
E-ink cases are not as responsive as a capacitive touchscreen that all smartphones are using. Thus, there will be some lag time when you press a button before seeing the InkCase change. If you tap the Home Button too slow, the InkCase might read it only as one tap. You may need to tap a couple of times in different tapping speeds to try that out. The double tap reacts best when you double tap with a 0.20 sec gap in between them.
Why do I see images or text from the previous page/ menu?
It is common for e-ink screens to show residual images/ text from the previous screen. Do not worry.
I can't send eBooks to InkCase App
Currently, InkCase only supports .txt (limited to 1MB) and .ePub files without DRM. ePub files with images are supported, but you will need to turn on this function under "My InkCase". We would recommend you to convert all other file types to .txt files before transferring the files over to your InkCase.
*Note: Sending books from iPhone's iBook app does not work as the "Share" button only shares the book title and author. It does not send the books.
Does InkCase support DRM E-Books / Kindle E-Books
InkCase only supports E-Books in .txt and .ePub files without DRM. Again, users are encouraged to convert their eBooks to the supported formats before transferring them to the phone and then transferring it to the app and device.
How to convert eBooks formats
There are many free online convertors. We would recommend using the following links:
To convert books to ePub: ("Change input encoding" need to be set to UTF8. Target eBook reader set to "Default")
To convert books to .txt:
How to download eBooks to InkCase App
Once you have the eBooks that you want on your computer, attach them into an email and email it to your iPhone. Open up the mail, copy the eBook to InkCase, and it will automatically be transferred over. In the InkCase app, tap onto the eBook and transfer to the InkCase device. Happy reading.
How to use 'Read It Later' function
To use the "Read it Later" function, you will need a Pocket account. Once registered, go to any website or app that allows you to share an article. Select "Read Later on InkCase" and it will automatically save it to your Pocket account. In an event the app does not transfer the article to your device, delete an article from the InkCase app and let it refresh itself. It should start transferring articles over.
How can i get my Kindle ebooks to work on the inkcase? I have tried using epub file formats and it works flawlessly on the inkcase. Now, i just need my kindle books on the inkcase.
On this page you will see a section entitled "How to convert eBook formats". In this section they recommend a program called calibre. I have this program and I have used it to convert (DRM free) kindle books to ePub format. The incase does not appear to support the native kindle format (which is proprietary) supporting only txt and ePub formats.
I have read that - with extra plugins - calibre can even remove kindle DRM although this is probable illegal (it is in most countries even if you have "bought" the eBook). This is because - if you read the small print with eBooks - you do not "own" them as you do a physical book.
However, as mentioned, there are DRM free kindle books you may have. Plus there are plenty of DRM free eBooks (mainly older books where the copyright has expired) which are available.
Hi! I've been charging my i7plus for 2 hours now and it is still unresponsive. I was able to update the firmware at first and send a picture to it. It started to be unresponsive after sending the 3rd picture. I left it to charge for 2 hours now just for good measure. screen still unresponsive as ever. I have plugged the usb cable to 2 different chargers and my laptop. Still nothing. What is the charging requirement of this unit? How many ebooks can it hold? Why can't it show the battery status? Why are you so slow to answer any support inquiry?
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